Well what a place and what a history. Ranks with the best in France and New Zealand. The only down side was no translator from Russian, but some how the tour guide found time to talk to me in English. I suspect my Valentina bribed her to do so lol. The tour was magnificent for a small fee and we got taken around the entire complex. What it was like to stand next to a bottle of wine ordered by tzar Nicolas II. Oldest wines going back to 1893. And still plenty of them. Mostly sweet and Tokay style wines but some decent reds and whites too.
After the trip through miles of barrels and bottles we got to try alot of the different types. I brought a couple of recent ones and almost brought a bottle of 63. Just out of my price range lol.
If you go to Yalta go here. Tomorrow Sevastopol. DA
Говорят, что мечты сбываются, и если Бог, привел тебя в мою страну, значит, ты счастливый человек, потому что, ты, хотел быть здесь, Я счастлива тем, что имею честь, показать тебе, некоторые места Крыма, и пить с тобой, наше вино, Я надеюсь, что ваша хроника, не остановится на этой публикации. До встречи.